You're invited to our (re) Launch Party!

We value your support!

Headspace isn't possible without your prayers and support.
If you like what we're doing, please consider sponsoring an intern or giving to the daily operations of Headspace.

Support the 2025 interns

Sarah, Isabella, Lizzie and Hayley  are setting aside a full year to go deep in their relationship with God. They'd love your support! Please keep them in your prayers as they prepare for the Headspace year, and consider sponsoring them for 2025.

Each intern's course fees are being paid from their own savings, with the help of family, church family, and people like you.

Support the Headspace programme

The Headspace programme is heavily subsidised so people like Isabella, Lizzie and Sarah can be equipped to love God and live for his Kingdom. We'd value your prayers, and would welcome any support you're able to give.

Become a Supporter here.

Or give through internet banking.

Keep up to date with what we are doing.

Headspace is part of GC3

At GC3 (Global Connections), we’re convinced that investing in the next generation of believers is vital for our young people, our churches, and God’s kingdom globally.