I value your support!
My being at Headspace wouldn't be possible without your prayers and support.
If you like what I'm doing, please consider sponsoring me or contributing to Headspace's daily operations.

Waikari Gospel Hall, Hurunui
For years I’ve felt God drawing me towards the world of cross-cultural mission. I’ve previously had some mission training and experience with YWAM, but now as a 23 year old, I felt I needed to get some more input and development in order to launch me into more of this kind of work.
All to say, I see this Headspace course as a pathway for me to be able to eventually engage in full time cross-cultural mission! I am super passionate about going where God is leading me.
Financial support goal: $14,500.00
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Headspace is part of GC3
At GC3 (Global Connections), we’re convinced that investing in the next generation of believers is vital for our young people, our churches, and God’s kingdom globally.